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If you are a currently working, experienced Ashiatsu therapist and have taken a full beginner’s course of Ashiatsu, practiced barefoot massage weekly within the past three months, and have had an average of three practices/sessions using the modality per week, you are eligible for this course. The Advanced techniques in this course are the most effective to target and treat specific areas of the body and will provide great relief for your clients while costing you less time and energy than traditional techniques.

This is an advanced level course and requires current experience with barefoot massage skills. Please contact our office for more details by calling or texting (480)331-2744.

Visit our course page for more information.

Class times are 9:30am – 5:30pm on Day 1; 9:00am – 1:00pm on Day 2.

Only 4 spots available! Register now!

Minimum 50% deposit required to reserve a spot in class.
Payment window appears after submitting registration form.

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