Meet One Of Our Mentors

Joe Thomas

Yoga Instructor
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What Is Ashiatsu?

Introductory Ashi Guide

In Japanese, “ashi” means “foot,” and “atsu” means “pressure.” It is literally defined as “foot pressure.” Many versions of Ashiatsu have developed over the years, and opposed to its original roots of over-the-clothing stretching, range of motion, and compression, an effleurage and petrissage technique using a gliding-compression is what now makes it most famous in the United States. This deep, gliding, compression offers more benefits than traditional massage because of its effect on the nervous system: the broadness of the foot allows the parasympathetic nervous system to prevail, and clients remain in a relaxed state during deep tissue therapy.

Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage creates longer-lasting results for clients than other modalities and not only allows therapists to work more efficiently, it helps save their hands and arms from inevitable failure in their chosen careers. When a therapist uses proper body mechanics and has a set up that is customized for them–which takes an expert educator to assist with just that–this modality will be a game changer for both therapists and their clients.

Our Instructors

Brenda Blakesley
Tucson, On-Site at your Studio/Spa

After graduating from massage school in 2003, Brenda experienced the field of massage therapy in a wellness center and gym format. Soon the spa format became an opportunity. In Las Vegas, at Spa Bellagio, Brenda’s true passion for Ashiatsu was born. Working ten hour days and feeling every minute in her shoulders and arms, barefoot massage quickly became her go-to modality. Since the spa days, she’s gained more experience working in additional formats including physical therapy and chiropractic offices, as well as yoga studios and salons . Within these varied formats and previous experience with personal training, Brenda began developing more techniques and methods to prevent injury and burn out for any therapist wanting to provide barefoot massage.

In 2007, Brenda began teaching Ashiatsu. She has taught nearly every week over the past fifteen years and is still as passionate as the day she started. The past decade has been dedicated to resolving every and any reason a therapist has had to not provide Ashiatsu, and to gain as much feedback as possible to share with other therapists.

Brenda’s number one goal is to keep Ashiatsu growing in popularity for both clients and therapists, which largely depends on fine tuning body mechanics and the set up for therapists. Her students say that she has provided many details to keep them in the field and modality longer, happier, and busier than they ever imagined.

Aimee Phillips
San Clemente, CA

Up until 2015 Aimee had spent her 13-year massage career in the luxury spa industry. Seeing multiple clients every day eventually caused repetitive motion injuries to her shoulder bringing her to the conclusion that she was going to have to end her career. “It was at that time that I received an Ashiatsu massage and fell in love with how amazing it felt. I came to learn that not only could I extend my career by using my feet instead of my hands, but that I could also introduce this technique to clients who loved deep tissue work.” She jumped feet first into learning Ashiatsu and opened her own business specializing in the barefoot technique. Seeing the reaction and results her clients got, her passion continued to grow leading her down the path of becoming an Ashiatsu Instructor. Being a part of the SAMBA team has fulfilled yet another dream. It is her hope and desire that teaching Ashiatsu in a safe and effective way, has as big of an impact on your career as it has hers.

Alison Seaton
Franklin, TN, The Wellness & Bodywork Studio

Alison Seaton graduated in 1999 from Colorado Institute of Massage Therapy. She graduated certified in Neuromuscular Therapy and Trigger Point Release as well as a traditional massage therapy certification. After honing her skills in a clinical setting and feeling every bit of burn out from deep tissue medical massage, she moved to Las Vegas in 2005. Where she spent 10 years working in 5 Star/5 Diamond resorts. Although spa work helped take down the stressors on her body, she still felt the fatigue and burn out. She met Brenda in 2009 where she was introduced to Ashiatsu, and immediately saw the beneficial ways it can be more effective for the client, and less invasive for the massage therapist. She got certified immediately!


After moving to TN, and getting her massage license, she dove right back into the modality to help save her aging joints. She is proud and excited to have joined SAMBA as a teacher trainer in this method. She looks forward to helping coach other massage therapists on how to add this approach to their already thriving practice.

Coming Soon
Reno, NV